Paul intended to visit Rome before he was arrested and incarcerated for two years in Caesarea (Romans 15:22-24) but didn’t enter the city until he did so as a prisoner of Caesar and spent another two years under house arrest in the capital city. It was during this time he wrote the epistles of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. We will visit the Mamertine Prison where Paul was imprisoned in a dungeon cell after his second arrest and return to Rome. It was here he wrote 2 Timothy. The Church of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls is the site where Emperor Nero had Paul beheaded and where his body was buried.
Being the Imperial City, Rome grew from one of many church centers across the Mediterranean world into an important stage for the growing faith. In this four-day extension we will visit the Pantheon, built by Marcus Agrippa, lieutenant of Emperor Augustus, as his private temple. This beautiful building became a Christian church in 609 A.D.
This trip will change how your read the book of Acts and Paul’s New Testament letters. It contains rich biblical content and deep spiritual challenge. Check the itinerary and plan now to join us on this important tour.